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Voices about the Amazon #AmazonSourceofLife – CIDSE
#AmazonSourceofLife-CIDSE and REPAM toolkit

Voices about the Amazon #AmazonSourceofLife

CIDSE, in collaboration with REPAM, just released a graphical toolkit about Amazon with of 84 graphic materials related to 6 main topics: Gender Equality, Climate, Systemic Change, Corporate Regulations, Land and Human Rights, and Sustainable Lifestyles that we share with our MO’s and other international networks.

This material includes also a series of 17 mini video interviews on the Amazon covering issues such as the upcoming Amazon Synod, nature, climate, gender equality, indigenous rights, land rights, corporate regulation and systemic change. Most of the interviews took place last March during the conference on integral ecology organised by REPAM at George Town University in Washington, D.C. as a contribution to preparations for the Synod on the Amazon (Rome, 6-27 October).

All interviews last approx. 1.5 min each and are available on the CIDSE Youtube Channel with EN / ES / FR / GE / PT / IT subtitles.

People interviewed include:

Msgr. Alvaro Ramazzini, Bishop of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Huehuetenango (Honduras)

 Fr. Augusto Zampini, Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development (Vatican)

Gloria Amor Paredes, member of the Institute of Environmental Science for Social Change (Philippines)

Henri Muhiya, REBAC (Ecclesial Network for the Congo River Basin) (DRC Congo)

Fr. Rigobert Minani, S.J., REBAC (Ecclesial Network for the Congo River Basin) (DRC Congo)

Cardinal Pedro Barreto, S.J., Vice president of REPAM (Pan-Amazonian Ecclesial Network) (Peru)

 Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle, President of Caritas Internationalis (Philippines)

Mario Nicacio Wapichana, indigenous leader and member of COICA (Coordinator of Indigenous Organizations of the Amazon Basin) (Brazil)

Padre Dario Bossi, Coordinator of Combonian Missioners in Brazil and member of the General Coordination of the Iglesias y Minería Network

Pedro Walpole, S.J., Director of Research at the Institute of Environmental Science for Social Change (Philippines) and Coordinator of Reconciliation with Creation for the Jesuit Conference Asia Pacific

 Yanive González, indigenous Kuna leader (Panama)

 Msgr. Jean Claude-Hollerich, President of COMECE (Commission of the Bishops’ Conferences of the European Union) (Luxembourg)

 Cardinal Claudio Hummes, President of REPAM (Red Eclesial Panamazónica) (Brazil)

Patricia Gualinga, indigenous Kichwa leader of Sarayaku (Ecuador)

Victoria Tauli-Corpuz, United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (Philippines)

Cardinal Reinhard Marx, Archbishop of Munich and Freising (Germany)

 Anitalia Pijachi, Indigenous leader. Ocaina-Uitoto (Colombia)

Please get in touch with our Media and Communications Officer to receive the complete version of this editable material or if you any other request about it.

All this graphical and video toolkit has made co financed by European Union.

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