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Energy to change – CIDSE

Energy to change


An upcoming documentary by CIDSE on energy sustainability for the people and the planet

Following the release of “Stories of Change” (2017), a documentary by CIDSE’s campaign “Change for the Planet – Care for the People” on people changing the way they access and produce food, the new documentary “Energy to Change” will be launched in December.

The way people produce and access energy is a crucial aspect of everybody’s lives, and another important focus of CIDSE’s campaign on sustainable lifestyles. The question of energy is indeed a matter of sustainability: we can consciously make choices that prioritise the respect of our planet. At the same time energy is also related to good governance, human rights, poverty and gender equality. Thinking about energy means keeping all this closely in mind and that’s a challenge!

The silver lining is that alternatives to better relate to energy exist and are flourishing all over the world. They are carried out by the people. Women and men are taking initiatives, being creative and courageous to improve their energy access, consuming cleaner energy, defending their land from controversial mega projects, sharing their resources with others to improve efficiency, becoming activists for better energy access for all, opening churches to innovations and reflections on how to live more sustainably as communities.

The protagonists of the documentary come from Belgium, Brazil, DR Congo, Kenya, Portugal and Switzerland and will take us through a journey of hope, struggle, achievement and ambition. They are united by their will to shift to sustainable production and consumption of energy – by their “Energy to Change”!

  • Fr. Herman, a Belgian priest running an ecological church
  • Alessandra, a Brazilian “warrior” of the river Tapajos, defending her land from a mega dam project
  • The Kanyabayonga community in DR Congo getting its energy supply thanks to a small hydropower plant built by villagers
  • Lucy & Monika, Kenyan nurses working in a clinic in Kenya running on solar power
  • Francisco, a Portuguese activist on sustainable energy
  • Stefan, Frida & their children, living in a co-housing project running on clean energy
Teasers – Energy to Change
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