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Bringing about a paradigm shift – CIDSE

Bringing about a paradigm shift

Bringing about a paradigm shift towards a just and sustainable world, Report of CIDSE workshop (Brussels, 14-15 May 2013). (Available in EN – ES – FR – DE)

There are many initiatives and examples of alternatives that support transition to more sustainable and equitable models of society and economy.  What this transition should look like, and how to get there, was at the heart of a CIDSE workshop which gathered 70 participants from across CIDSE membership and among our partners on all continents.

Click here for interactive versions of the report (ENESFR) including videos and links to publications. PDF versions of the report are available below.

Denise Auclair

EN-Bringing about a paradigm shift towards a just and sustainable world
ES-Lograr un cambio de paradigma hacia un mundo justo y sostenible
FR-Changer de paradigme pour un monde juste et durable
DE- Ein Paradigmenwechsel für eine gerechte und nachhaltige Welt

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