The power of people gathering and exchanging ideas can be huge and long-lasting; people become ambassadors for change at home and in their communities.
Volunteers of CIDSE member organizations will gather this summer to discuss, connect and create the bases for meaningful change. Coming from various countries, they will jointly reflect on topics related to ecological living and Laudato Si’; activism; and sustainability. They will live collective experiences of simple living in close contact with nature. These gatherings represent the continuation of a tradition of CIDSE’s international volunteers coming together started last year by CIDSE’s campaign on sustainable lifestyles “Change for the Planet- Care for the People”.
In 2017 volunteers, thanks to CIDSE’s Portuguese member organisation FEC, were welcomed in the beautiful and peaceful surroundings of Casa Velha in Portugal and walked together to Fatima where they participated in a gathering with Pope Francis. Other volunteers participated in“Wereldkamp 2017”, a yearly camp open to young adults, families, and children led by Broederlijk Delen, CIDSE’s Belgian member organisation. The camp aims at providing a space for people to meet and discuss, each year focusing on one topic. Last year’s theme – Buen Vivir – explored the importance of recognizing and nourishing a harmonious relationship between people and their environment, simple living and reflecting on how to bring about change at the individual, societal and political levels.
The “Wereldkamp” is opening its doors also this year to a delegation of around 30 international volunteers and activists from the United Kingdom, Portugal, Slovakia, Poland, and New Zealand. This year’s topic “(Let’s) be the change” will look at lifestyles’ alternatives and will focus on the power of people’s led solutions addressing climate change, debating what everyone of us can do in our daily life and through citizens’ engagement. 50 years after 1968, Broederlijk Delen invites people to develop their potential to change and have an impact on society!
The programme of the camp offers participants the opportunity to deepen their understanding of sustainable consumption and production patterns, looking at the political impact of daily consumption choices as well as at the realities of different regions of the world. The group will explore also the United Nations climate change process, identifying activism opportunities. Through the social media channels of the campaign (Facebook and Twitter) we will share some highlights of what seems to be a very intense and inspiring few days.
Shortly later in the summer, the campaign “Change for the Planet- Care for the People” will travel to Spain: CIDSE’s Spanish member Manos Unidas will organize another volunteers’ camp on sustainable lifestyles in Castellón. Participants will truly experience an ecological conversion, will connect with like-minded people, and will draw inspirations from experts’ and activists’ presentations.
In Poland, another camp with similar settings brought together in June 2018 volunteers from CIDSE’s English member CAFOD and Polish volunteers for a peer exchange on climate justice commitments.
These educational and motivating experiences will lay the ground for the most awaited volunteers’ gathering in Katowice, Poland, during the climate change conference COP 24 in December. Participants will grow more aware of the political processes related to climate change, connect with the local reality, undertake a symbolic walk, and most of all be part of the global climate justice movement.
Change starts from people and this summer volunteers will take a step towards a more just and sustainable society, carrying learnings and inspirations in their earth and their homes.
If you want to be part of the movement and are curious about the sustainability camps and about the campaign “Change for the Planet- Care for the People” you are welcome to contact Chiara Martinelli [martinelli(at)cidse.org] or Giorgio Gotra [gotra(at)cidse.org].