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CIDSE’s position on the Development Consensus review stemming from its engagement in the Post-2015 process – CIDSE

    CIDSE’s position on the Development Consensus review stemming from its engagement in the Post-2015 process

    CIDSE launches a policy paper on the review of the Development Consensus and an online report on its engagement in the Post-2015 process.

    The latest CIDSE policy paper “Make human rights and environmental protection the fundamentals! − Recommendations for the review of the European Development Consensus” lays out CIDSE’s position on the review of the Development Consensus and complements the detailed inputs already made by Concord and CAN-Europe Submission to the Commission’s consultation in which CIDSE was also able to contribute.

    The CIDSE paper was officially launched in Brussels on Monday 7 November on the occasion of a Policy Lunch debate “From Shared Vision to Common Action. Realizing the SDGs in the EU’s External Activities” organised by sef: (Development and Peace Foundation) in partnership with CIDSE.

    According to the recent document, the renewed development consensus should be based on an integrated approach, making human rights, gender equality, environmental protection and restoration, decent work and indigenous people’s rights an integral part of the economic and climate agenda. It should abandon the dominant techno-centric solutions being put forward to address the challenges of the Sustainable Development agenda. For example addressing hunger and malnutrition requires reflecting on the multi-layered nature of agriculture and food production systems, rather than implementing quick fixes. The respect of human rights, gender equality and the environment should be central values of this process.

    CIDSE’s input in the review of the European Development Consensus comes from all the advocacy work that the network put in the Post-2015 process for many years which have been reconstructed and recollected in an online report, telling the story of the: “CIDSE’s journey in the Post-2015 process“.

    The interactive report shows that building an international framework for development is a long and evolving task. By consulting it, readers can grasp what have been the main milestones and obstacles of advocating at different levels for a fair development framework, and how the CIDSE network has evolved experimenting new ways of working with allies and starting joint reflections with the civil society. For this purpose, the report uses several archive documents, video interviews and pictures, coupled with new interviews made recently with some of the “protagonists” of this journey who look back at some of the key moments of the past few years.




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