International Women’s Rights Day 2024 – CIDSE

International Women’s Rights Day 2024

Stories of hope and resistance from the CIDSE network

Each year, International Women’s Rights Day (IWD) is a moment to give extra visibility and support to the daily struggles of women to fight for their rights, to call for bold action to address gender injustices worldwide, to spotlight the work of women, women’s rights movements and gender justice organisations that inspire us, and to reflect on the sacrifices and achievements made by women all around the world. 
In this blog, we spotlight some of the many stories of hope and resistance that our members and their partners shared on IWD 2024.  

Broederlijk Delen, Belgium 
For IWD, Broederlijk Delen shares a message from Uganda where PELUM, a network of their partners is working, not only towards food sovereignty but also towards gender equality.

CAFOD, England and Wales 
To mark IWD, CAFOD is releasing a special episode of its Voices of Change podcast featuring Nehan Nargis, Afghanistan’s former Minister of Mines and Petroleum and a staunch advocate for women’s rights, who fled the country after the Taliban take over in 2021. “The situation of women and girls in Afghanistan today is nothing less than gender apartheid,” she says. Watch the video or listen to the podcast for an in-depth look at the challenges Afghan women face and her hopeful vision for the future.
CAFOD also organised an event on 9 March to celebrate women in the Catholic Church with Sister Marie-Kolbe Zamora, OSF and Sister Ngozi Uti, who discussed how we can better recognise the contribution of women in all areas of the Church.

CCFD-Terre Solidaire, France
In November 2023, more than 1500 women coming from all over Latin America, gathered in El Salvador for the feminist gathering “Encuentro Feminista de Latinoamérica y el Caribe”. Sarah Woodrow Picot, CCFD-Terre Solidaire’s Campaign Coordinator, attended the meeting and shares her experiences in the latest episode of the CCFD-Terre Solidaire podcast series “Le temps d’un café”. Their Latin American partners, Cecilia Carozzo from FEC in Argentina, Jenny Moron from the association in MUDHA in the Dominican Republic and Darlene and Sara Braga from CPT Acre in Brazil also share what ‘feminism’ means to them.
👉 En Amérique latine, le féminisme dans la chair
👉 Et pour vous, c’est quoi le #feminisme?

Cordaid, the Netherlands 
On IWD, Cordaid celebrates the strength, resilience and achievements of women around the world: “Let’s continue to fight for equality, empowerment and a world where women and girls have the opportunity to reach their full potential. Together we can make a difference!”
Cordaid also shares the story of Adnan Salama Udulu, a 20-year-old woman from a small village in the northwestern district of Yumbe, Uganda which resonates well with the theme of this year’s International Women’s Day, “Invest in Women: Accelerate Progress. Adnan has been trained by Cordaid in agricultural practices through the Skilling in Agripreneurship for Increased Youth Employment (SAY) project and is inspiring her community to embrace sustainable smallholder agriculture. She has learnt the best ways to plant tomatoes, how to create seedbeds and how to make organic fertiliser from cow dung and goat manure. Through her work, Adnan has become a mentor and role model for young women who want to break into the male-dominated world of agriculture in the West Nile region.
👉 Samen kunnen we een verschil maken!
👉 Adnan Salama Udulu’s story, Uganda

Development and Peace, Canada 
In the run-up to IWD, Development and Peace Executive Director Carl Hétu attended the Women Leaders Conference in Rome co-organised by Caritas Internationalis with the Australian and British Embassies to the Holy See, where women leaders from around the world shared their experiences within and outside the Catholic Church. Development and Peace also puts the spotlight on one of its partners, the Catholic Women’s League of Canada (CWL), which is making a profound impact on the lives of women around the world. As Development and Peace, they call on everyone to continue the common journey towards a more inclusive and empowered future for women everywhere.
👉 Recording of the Women Leaders conference
👉 Facebook post

Entraide et Fraternité, Belgium  
A link between international trade agreements and gender issues? Such a statement seems far-fetched, given how far apart the two issues seem to be. And yet… identical observations are being made in Africa, Asia and Latin America.  The current organisation of international trade is significantly worsening the living conditions of women farmers in the global South. On IWD, Entraide and Fraternité decides to highlight this little-known aspect of feminist struggles. 
👉 Commerce international et genre

FEC, Portugal 
On IWD, FEC is inspired by the 27 women who work with them and who are a daily example of dedication and resilience!
👉 Inspiramo-nos nas 27 mulheres

FOCSIV, Italy 
Gender equality and self-determination of all women and girls. This is the goal of FOCSIV. Ivana Borsotto, President of FOCSIV said: “This is our commitment, this is our practice. In our daily life, in our/the cooperation and international solidarity.”
👉 Uguaglianza di genere e autodeterminazione di tutte le donne e le ragazze

KOO/DKA Austria 
DKA Austria put the spotlight on Antonia, Anna, Lara, Milla and Magdalena: star carol singers for a just world. Two thirds of all carol singers are women. The organisation, catering and many other tasks involved in carol singing are also often in the hands of dedicated women. In many countries, girls and women are still fighting for basic rights: access to education, health and self-determination. The Carol Singers Campaign supports projects that empower girls and women and enable them to live in dignity. Through their commitment, the carol singers contribute to a world where all people have equal rights, regardless of gender, origin or religion. On this IWD, DKA thanks all the carol singers and their helpers for their commitment and example.
👉 #weltfrauentag: Königinnentag

Manos Unidas, Spain 
This IWD, Manos Unidas reminds us that in the 21st century, despite many advances, poverty still has a female face. No country in the world has achieved true gender parity. In a video, they convey the reality of women in the Global South. In Ecuador, for example, more than 300 women died last year as a result of feminicide. Together with other NGOs such as Fundación Nosotras con Equidad, Manos Unidas is working tirelessly to ensure that Ecuadorian women can be(come) the protagonists of their own development. They also tell the stories of Mónica, Amida and Mariam, three women fighting for survival in Tanzania.
👉 La pobreza sigue teniendo rostro de mujer
👉 La lucha por la supervivencia de las mujeres tanzanas

Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns, USA 
Maryknoll Office supported this year’s UN IWD theme “because ensuring women’s and girls’ rights across all aspects of life is the only way to secure prosperous and just economies and a healthy planet for future generations.”
👉 Invest in Women, Accelerate Progress

Misereor, Germany  
Women make up half of the world’s population and should be treated equally – but unfortunately this is not yet the case everywhere! Together with its project partners, Misereor is committed to meeting women’s basic needs, while at the same time enabling them to achieve economic, social and political independence. It is important to give women a voice and to make them protagonists of change – a change that benefits society as a whole. This IWD, Misereor puts the spotlight on Peky Rubín de Celis Méndez from Bolivia, Thérèse Coulibaly from Mali and Domingas Amaral Afonso from Timor-Leste.
👉 Frauenrechte stärken weltweit

SCIAF, Scotland 
On IWD, SCIAF shares a prayer for women around the world.  

Trócaire, Ireland 
This IWD, Trócaire highlights the amazing triumphs of women’s empowerment and land ownership in Sierra Leone. Fighting the age-old belief that land ownership is reserved for men, the communities of Bombali are experiencing a transformative change.

👉 Shining a light for women’s rights in Sierra Leone

Vastenactie, The Netherlands
On IWD, Vastenactie highlights the situation of young women in Zimbabwe where one in three girls marries before the age of 18. Men in Zimbabwe are the head of the family and manage the money. Traditional gender roles, where women also have no control over the use of land and crops, increase their vulnerability. To support women and young people generate their own income, 20 groups are being provided with a sewing machine and start-up materials so they can make and sell clothes, including school uniforms. This helps the women to gain economic independence.


Cover image: Indigenous woman from the Chimborazo area (Ecuador) Credit: Josep Vecino / Manos Unidas.

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