Holy See on Business & Human Rights Framework – CIDSE

Holy See on Business & Human Rights Framework

Statement of H. E. Archbishop Tomasi, Permanent Observer of the Holy See to the United Nations and Other International Organizations, December 2014 (Available in EN/ES/FR)


Delivered in Geneva at the 3rd Forum on Business and Human Rights “High-level discussion on strengthening the links between the global economic architecture and the business and human rights agenda”.

In this statement, Archbishop Tomasi is speaking in favour of a binding instrument on business and human rights which: “would raise moral standards, change the way international corporations understand their role and activity, and help clarify the extraterritorial obligations of States regarding the acts of their companies in other countries.”

EN-Statement by Archbishop Tomasi on BHR Framework Dec 2014
ES-Statement by Archbishop Tomasi on BHR Framework Dec 2014
FR-Statement by Archbishop Tomasi on BHR Framework Dec 2014

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