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UN Business & HR: Engaging new action at national and international level – CIDSE

UN Business & HR: Engaging new action at national and international level

UN Business & Human Rights Framework: Engaging new action at national and international level to stop abuses, CIDSE statement, 30 June 2014 (available in EN – ES – FR)

On 26 June, the UN Human Rights Council adopted by a clear majority vote a resolution that will establish a new inter-governmental working group to begin the process of elaborating an international legally binding instrument on business and human rights.  For the wide number of communities and individuals currently suffering abuses and violations of their human rights as a result of business activity, this could be very good news.  As with the existing UN Guiding Principles on Business & Human Rights, much will depend on how the international community actually takes this process forward.

Contact person:
Denise Auclair, Senior Policy Advisor, CIDSE

You can also read the reaction from Swiss CIDSE member organisation Fastenopfer (DE).

CIDSE statement UN HRC June 2014 30 ES
CIDSE statement UN HRC June 2014 30 FR

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