
The Illusion of Abundance – Defending Latin American Territories from predatory extractivism

Event Details

Where: Palais des Nations (Room XXVII), Geneva
When: 1:30 – 2:45 pm PM CEST
Languages: English & Portuguese

TO REGISTER, CLICK HERE  !!! UN ground pass required to attend this event !!!


Introduction and welcome
Trailer screening of documentary “The Illusion of Abundance”
Panel discussion with:

  • Carolina de Moura, Instituto Cordilheira, Brazil: The consequences of the Brumadinho disaster
  • Robert McCorquodale, UN Working Group on Business and Human Rights: Could a UN legally-binding instrument offer avenues for protection and remedy for human rights’ defenders?
  • Wolfgang Bindseil, German Ministry of Foreign Affairs: What are the responsibilities of EU companies and what is the role of the EU in the negotiations?
  • Francois Mercier, Fastenaktion: Improving the current draft of the UN legally-binding instrument

Q&A with the public
Moderation:  Elyse Kervyn, CIDSE  




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