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Enhancing standards, ensuring remedy: UNHRC statement – CIDSE

Enhancing standards, ensuring remedy: UNHRC statement

Statement by International Commission of Jurists (ICJ), Fédération internationale des ligues des droits de l’homme (FIDH), Franciscans International, and CIDSE at the United Nations Human Rights Council 26th Regular Session, June 10 to 27 2014

“Victims of abuse such as those in recent tragedies in Bangladesh, South Africa or Turkey continue to struggle to obtain remedy. Those acting in defence of the environment, communities and workers’ rights are increasingly more vulnerable to reprisals. Communities and individuals on the ground continue to suffer from environmental degradation, social conflict, inequality, landlessness, precarious working conditions, discrimination, violence and denial of access to justice and remedies. These facts are serious signs that stronger regulatory and accountability mechanisms are needed without any further delay.”

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Statement at the UNHCR by CIDSE, ICJ, FIDH and Franciscans International

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