
Season of Creation Webinar – A Just Transition: Europe’s Responsibility to its People and to the World

Event Details




This webinar will explore how the coronavirus crisis and the environmental crisis are related, and how regional approaches to a just transition to integral ecology could be developed.
It will contribute to informing, connecting and mobilising people of goodwill in relation to a Just Transition in Europe, and importantly – to Europe’s responsibilities for a Just Transition globally.
On the occasion of Season of Creation, as a time for reflection, prayer and action, it will contribute to create an understanding of engagement in public affairs as an answer to Pope Francis call to hear ‘the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor’.

Speakers will include:

  • Sr Alessandra Smerilli, economist and coordinator of the Vatican’s Commission for Covid-19’s Economics Task Force, member of the Scientific Committee and organizer of the Catholic Italian Social Weeks;
  • Marcin Kędzierski, EU and Poland expert at the Jagiellonian Club, an independent think tank in Poland;
  • Lydia Lehlogonolo Machaka, CIDSE Climate Justice & Energy officer;
  • Edwin Mumbere, Coordinator at Centre for Citizens Conserving and fossil fuel activist in Uganda

The webinar will take place during the Global Week to Act for Sustainable Development Goals (September 19-26).

This webinar will be held in English and simultaneously interpreted to Spanish, Italian, Polish, Portuguese and French.

Watch the live stream here (https://www.youtube.com/c/GlobalCatholicClimateMovement) in English only.

Check the time of the webinar for your location here:http://bit.ly/EUtimes

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