
Laudate Deum and the EU’s Green Transition

Event Details

What: In-person Conference: “The new Laudate Deum of Pope Francis and the EU’s Green Transition”
Co-organised by: COMECE, JESC and the European Laudato Si Alliance (ELSiA).
Where: Square de Meeus, 19/1, 1050 Brussels
When: Thursday 7 December 2023, 18:00-19:30 (CET)
Language: English
How to participate: Register here!

Watch the recording!


This event follows the publication of Laudate Deum, Pope Francis’ recently published Apostolic Exhortation on the ongoing climate crisis. Convinced of the importance of Europe in our common struggle for safeguarding Creation, we will debate what the follow-up to Laudato Si’ means for the climate and environmental policies of the European Union. The conference will also be an occasion to better understand the importance of Pope Francis’ message in rediscovering our vocation as guardians of Creation and restore a harmonious relationship between humanity and Creation, by also making sure that the green transition truly “leaves no one behind”.


  • Introduction by Xavier De Bénazé SJ, Delegate “Laudato Si’” of the Jesuit French-Speaking Province of Western Europe.
  • Exchange between Josianne Gauthier, Secretary General of CIDSE, and Marie Toussaint, Member of the European Parliament.
  • Q&A session.
  • Closing remarks.
  • The event will be followed by a small reception.

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