
COP25: CIDSE presence and activities

Event Details

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COP25 – Out on ambition, finance and human rights”, CIDSE assessment, 17 December 2019
No climate negotiations without human rights obligations”, Press release, 9 December 2019


Inspired and motivated by the recent Synod on the Amazon, CIDSE organisations and partners at the United Nations COP25 climate conference in Madrid (2-13 December) will echo the call by Cardinals at the Synod for urgent climate action to address the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor. We will show how “false” energy solutions are causing further harm to people and planet, and showcase the positive solutions that people connected to place are providing – to harness the power of nature and people for good.

COP25 is due to sort out the rules around carbon markets and non-market mechanisms (Article 6 in the Paris Agreement), review the Warsaw Mechanism on loss and damage, and lay the groundwork for stronger climate commitments to be lodged by all parties to the Paris Agreement next year.

CIDSE will ensure that grassroots voices from Latin America will continue to be heard at Madrid, after the Chilean government unilaterally cancelled its going ahead at Santiago, in the face of widespread social unrest.

We will hold governments to account as they signal ‘high ambition’ to ensure their solutions achieve real reductions, respect human rights , and prioritise the needs of the most vulnerable in any just transition. Joining with people in the streets across the world demanding climate action, we will continue to pressure governments to respond to their calls. In particular, justice and equality for women, children, the Indigenous, isolated communities, and future generations are our highest priorities.

CIDSE will seek higher commitments to climate finance, especially for adaptation, better transparency of reporting, and greater attention to addressing the large gaps in funding.

Key events

Sunday 1 December: 16:00-20:00:  Interfaith Dialogue & Dinner, Iglesia Evangélica Española, Calle Calatrava 25, Madrid

Monday 2nd December : 15 :30-17 :00 : Misereor and Habitat International Coalition side event – Climate Responsive and Community-Based Building and Construction, German Pavilion, UNFCCC Centre.

Wednesday 4th December: 15 :00-16 :30: Misereor, Habitat International Coalition, Global Platform for the Right of the City side event – Human Settlements and Climate Change – Human Rights Based Solutions and Challenges, Room 3, UNFCCC Centre.

Thursday 5 December: 10:00-14:00: Catholic organisations side event: La Cumbre del Cambio Climático y el Cuidado de la Casa Común. Auditorio Fundación Pablo VI, Paseo de Juan XXIII, Nº3, 28040 Madrid. Registration required: inscripciones@fpablovi.org.

Thursday 5 December: 16:45-18:15: USCAN/CIDSE side event: Grassroots Community Solutions – Amplifying the voices of front line communities: Centering the voices of marginalised communities who are suffering as a result of false solutions to climate change. Highlighting their struggles and amplifying their grassroots solutions to the global community.  Room 1, UNFCCC Centre.

Friday 6 December: 18:00: People’s Climate March, Madrid Town Centre

Sunday 8 December: 20:00 San Francisco el Grande: A joint Holy Mass with all Catholic organisations present at COP25, conducted by Cardinal Osoro Sierra (Archbishop of Madrid) and Mgr. Cabrejos (President of CELAM).

Dec. 6 – 13: There will also be the Cumbre Social por el Clima (Social Climate Summit) organised by civil society outside the halls of the COP.

CIDSE delegates will also meet informally with volunteers and staff from CIDSE’s Spanish member Manos Unidas as well as with many allies from different regions of the world for an exchange on the state of negotiations and plan future joint actions for climate justice.


CIDSE will be present in Madrid with a delegation from member organisations and associated partners, including  CAFOD/England & Wales, CCFD-Terre Solidaire/France, Cordaid/The Netherlands, Development and Peace/Canada, FEC/Portugal, Fastenopfer/Switzerland, KOO/Austria, Manos Unidas/Spain, Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns/USA,  Misereor/Germany, SCIAF/Scotland. CIDSE will also be working closely with other partners and allies from the Catholic Church and around the world.



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