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2025: A Year to Turn Hope into Action – CIDSE

2025: A Year to Turn Hope into Action

As we enter the Jubilee Year 2025 with the theme “Spes non confundit. Hope does not disappoint”, as proclaimed by Pope Francis, we are presenting the plans of our member organisations to celebrate this momentous occasion. The resource below aims to highlight the various initiatives that embody the spirit of hope and renewal at the heart of the Jubilee. One of the pillars of this year’s actions is the Caritas Internationalis campaign “Turn Debt into Hope” , urging decision-makers to prioritise people and the planet over mere profit and advocating for debt justice for communities burdened by unjust and unpayable debt. CIDSE and many of its member organisations are supporting the promotion and dissemination of this petition campaign, amplifying the call for economic and social justice as part of the Jubilee celebrations. 

CAFOD (England and Wales) 
CAFOD’s 2025 Jubilee emphasises prayer, community action, and global justice. The dedicated section in their website provides weekly Gospel reflections, a Jubilee guide, and resources for parishes and schools. CAFOD is also promoting a debt justice campaign, urging world leaders to address global inequality. You can get involved through prayer, pledges, or advocacy on their website.

CCFD-Terre Solidaire (France) 
CCFD-Terre Solidaire is campaigning for debt cancellation in the Global South, highlighting how unsustainable debt denies populations access to essential services and environmental rights. The campaign calls for debt governance reform and urges Northern creditors to take responsibility. Debt relief would allow Southern nations to invest in development and climate action. A petition has been launched.

Development and Peace (Canada) 
Development and Peace’s “Turn Debt into Hope” campaign for Jubilee 2025 advocates for debt cancellation in impoverished nations, emphasizing its role in hindering development and perpetuating poverty. Aligned with Pope Francis’ call for debt forgiveness, it calls for justice, especially regarding the ecological debt owed by wealthier nations. The initiative aims to free up resources for health, education, and sustainability, promoting global economic justice. A petition has been launched.

FOCSIV (Italy) 
FOCSIV’s campaign, “Cambiare la rotta. Trasformare il debito in speranza“, focuses on the financial and ecological debts burdening impoverished nations. It calls for canceling unjust debt and freeing up resources for sustainable development and climate finance. Aligned with the Jubilee themes of liberation and justice, it advocates for social and climate justice and urges international solidarity to support vulnerable populations. 

KOO (Austria) 
The Austrian Coordination Office for International Development and Mission (KOO) supports the “Turning Debt into Hope” campaign by Caritas Internationalis. The campaign seeks to end the debt crisis by canceling unsustainable debts without conditions. It calls for a reform of the global financial system, prioritizing people and the planet, and for a binding debt framework under the United Nations. KOO urges decision-makers to prioritize human and environmental well-being over profit.

Manos Unidas (Spain)
Manos Unidas, through its Advocacy and Alliances Department, is following the “Turn Debt into Hope” international campaign. It will participate in the upcoming UN 4th International Conference on Financing for Development and will coordinate with the Spanish and European civil society networks participating in this conference: Coordinadora de ONG de Desarrollo, Futuro en Común, Plataforma por Empresas Responsables and through the alliance of Catholic organisations “Enlázate por la Justicia” (Cáritas, Cedis, CONFER, Justicia y Paz, Manos Unidas y REDEs), including the Spanish HUB of the Economy of Francesco (EoF). A special preparatory meeting will be organised by the Loyola University of Seville on 11 March, which can be attended remotely.

Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns (US) 
Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns is calling for a new Jubilee to address the ongoing global debt crisis. Despite past debt relief efforts, many nations now spend more on debt repayment than on essential services like health and education. In light of rising debt levels, particularly after the pandemic, Maryknoll advocates for a financial framework that prioritizes people and the planet, aiming to end the cycle of debt dependency. They also support Caritas Internationalis’ petition “Turn Debt into Hope”.

SCIAF (Scotland) 
SCIAF’s “Cancel Debt, Choose Hope” campaign addresses the global debt crisis, which deprives the world’s poorest communities of vital resources like food, water, and shelter. The initiative emphasizes that funds used for debt repayment should instead improve living conditions. SCIAF calls on wealthy nations, particularly the UK, to support sustainable development in poorer countries, given their role in exacerbating issues like climate change. A petition has been launched. Resources materials available.

Additional reading  
Jubilee 2025: The new global debt crisis and its solutions”, CAFOD, SCIAF, Caritas Internationalis report.
Letter from global faith leaders to G20 finance ministers on the global debt crisis“, 26 February 2025

CIDSE contact person: Giorgio Gotra, Operations and Communications’ Manager (gotra(at)

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