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The EU must sustain its leadership in climate action  – CIDSE

The EU must sustain its leadership in climate action 


Brussels, 14 June 2024 

The CIDSE Board of Directors have met in Ghent, Belgium, for their annual mid-year meeting. The agenda included discussions on current and future scenarios for civil society, particularly in the light of recent and upcoming political elections and following their call to promote responsible and hopeful voting in the countries where CIDSE members are based.   

CIDSE reaffirms its commitment to work together with the incoming European decision makers, to promote global justice and harness global solidarity. Coherent with our values, we will continue to support communities affected by poverty, exclusion and oppression in their efforts to bring about positive change. 

CIDSE urges European decision-makers, whether newly elected or re-elected, to prioritise human development while respecting planetary boundaries. Conservation and regeneration of resources vital for present and future generations is essential. It is imperative to recognise the common and differentiated responsibilities of the global North and South in environmental governance, highlighting the key role of the EU. 

“Solidarity and cohesion must be our priorities. Our vision for Europe includes respect for human dignity, genuine equality for all members of society regardless of their background, and a commitment to peace. Dialogue must guide our way forward amid challenges, and we must remain open to the world, recognising climate change as a global issue that requires collective action through multilateral cooperation.”
Inès Minin, CCFD-Terre Solidaire Managing Director (France). 

“The newly elected European Parliament should build on past successes by working closely with Heads of State, Governments, and the Commission to advance the Green Deal. This framework is critical for enabling European states to effectively combat climate change and biodiversity loss, the foremost challenges of our time. The international commitments made in Paris and Montreal underline the urgency of swift European action, which can mitigate long-term costs and challenges.”
Anja Appel, KOO Secretary General (Austria).  

“These recent and future political outcomes risk deepening inequalities, poverty and social exclusion while ignoring the climate emergency. Our organisations stress the need for a broad civil society alliance to sustain democratic debate and support the most vulnerable. Strengthening local and international networks, such as CIDSE, is crucial to address the interlinked social and climate issues globally. It is deeply regrettable that the climate emergency has simply disappeared from the agenda of political parties in power across Europe.”
Axelle Fischer, Entraide et Fraternité & Action Vivre Ensemble Secretary General (Belgium). 

As Pope Francis affirms in his encyclical Fratelli Tutti (177), what is needed is a far-sighted policy capable of a new, integral and interdisciplinary approach to the various aspects of the moral, social, political and economic crises we are experiencing, all of which are interrelated.  

CIDSE firmly believes in the value of every voice. Therefore, we will continue to facilitate dialogue between European policy makers and our partners and allies around the world for the next five years.  

CIDSE contact: Giorgio Gotra, Operations and Communication Manager, (gotra(at)
Cover photo: CIDSE

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