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Justice is Everybody’s Business – CIDSE

Justice is Everybody’s Business

New campaign launched on 6 September in Brussels  

“Whenever profit comes into conflict with justice for people and planet, justice should win. Because Justice is Everybody Business!” 

CIDSE, together with more than a hundred civil society and trade union organisations from Europe and beyond, is launching a new campaign on corporate accountability, asking for a strong EU law to prevent and remedy corporate abuses of human rights and the environment.

Last February, the European Commission published its proposal for long-awaited new rules on corporate responsibility. The new Directive proposal (the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive – CSDDD) aims to hold businesses accountable for human rights violations and environmental damage throughout their value chains. The announcement was an important step towards binding measures for companies and has enormous potential. However, it does not go far enough and is inadequate in its current form, with a lot of loopholes and several limitations.  

The key messages of the campaign align with CIDSE’s own “Access to Justice Campaign”: strong obligations for companies when it comes to protecting people and the planet, and access to justice for victims.  

Through this new campaign, our Catholic family joins the rest of civil society in saying clearly that we will not accept half measures when it comes to justice.  

Take action and support the campaign to show EU leaders that  justice for people, respect for  human rights, the climate and the planet are ‘Everybody’s Business’.

Credit photos: CIDSE.

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