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Stand With Ukraine – CIDSE

Stand With Ukraine

CIDSE, with 450 civil society organisations from Ukraine and beyond, signed the statement “Stand with Ukraine” in solidarity with the Ukrainian people, currently under attack. We support the call for a decarbonisation of our societies, which fuels violence, abuse and war. This echoes our call for system change and engagement for a future where the extraction of natural resources and our dependency on fuel no longer defines our world.  

The press release accompanying the statement says: “hundreds of organisations from dozens of countries have expressed solidarity with the Ukrainian people in a collective call on world governments to end fossil fuel production once and for all. The current crisis sees Putin weaponising oil and gas money to threaten livelihoods and fuel terror with escalating violence, underscoring the fossil fuel system’s role in driving conflict. This war is a fight for Ukrainians’ own freedom, but more broadly, a fight for self-determination worldwide. The letter — initiated by a dozen Ukrainian climate organisations — recognises that this war is a “grave violation of human rights, international law and global peace” fueled by the oil and gas money that powers Putin’s war machine. 40% of Russia’s federal budget comes from oil and gas, which also make up 60% of Russia’s exports. “

Read the full press release and the statement.  

Photo credit: Katie Godowski, Pexels

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