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Les dessous du boom du cobalt – CIDSE
Meinrad Schade

Les dessous du boom du cobalt

 Meinrad Schade

Online report by Bread for all and Fastenopfer (Available in FR and DE),
March 2019

The Swiss mining company, Glencore, operates two huge copper and cobalt mines in the South East region of the Democratic Republic of Congo. While it is making lucrative profits, the population living in the neighborhood has hardly benefited from it.

Lorenz Kummer, Media Officer at Bread for All, went on site to collect testimonials from residents of the districts of the mining town of Kolwezi and villages close to the mines. This report reveals the conditions in which people live, their struggle to regain access to water and the disastrous environmental impact of this type of exploitation.



Les dessous du boom du cobalt
Reportage à travers les quartiers et les villages qui entourent les mines du groupe suisse Glencore situées en République démocratique du Congo
Pain pour le prochain et Action de Carême

Im Schatten des Kobaltbooms
Eine Reportage aus den Dörfern und Quartieren rund um die Minen des Schweizer Rohstoffkonzerns Glencore in der Demokratischen Republik Kongo
Brot für alle und Fastenopfer

Fastenopfer is CIDSE’s member in Switzerland.

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