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No Place Like Home – CIDSE

No Place Like Home


A Reader on the Forced Internal Displacement of Palestinians in the Occupied Palestinian Territory and Israel, January 2017. (available in EN /FR / NL + GE-Executive Summary)

In this report, CIDSE examines the forced displacement of Palestinians as a central issue in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as it exacerbates the deterioration of social and economic conditions and the isolation of Palestinian communities. We believe that respect for international law and promotion of equality are necessary to achieving a just and durable peace.

The paper outlines the relevant aspects of international humanitarian law (IHL) and international human rights law (IHRL) applicable to displacement in the context of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The overview of the relevant legal rights is followed by an analysis of three geographically delineated sections focusing on the areas of the West Bank under direct and full Israeli control (Area C and East Jerusalem), Gaza, and Israel. Each section identifies the patterns and impact of displacement in the respective region and gives an overview of the EU’s response.


This document has been written by the CIDSE Palestine-Israel Working Group. The members of the group are the following organisations: Broederlijk Delen (Belgium), CAFOD (England and Wales), CCFD-Terre Solidaire (France), Misereor (Germany) and Trócaire (Ireland).

Contact: info(at)

EN-No Place Like Home
NL-Nergens beter dan thuis
FR-No Place Like Home
GE-Executive Summary No Place Like Home

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