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Ethical Investments in an era of Climate Change: a guide to reviewing environmental and social governance of Catholic investments – CIDSE

Ethical Investments in an era of Climate Change: a guide to reviewing environmental and social governance of Catholic investments

Trócaire and the Global Catholic Climate Movement have launched a guide for faith-based institutions concerned with the ways in which their investments align with their mission and vision, particularly in light of the global challenge of climate change. 

The guide, whilst specifically referencing Catholic Social Teaching, is also of interest to all institutions which share the common concern expressed by Pope Francis in Laudato Sí, to address the moral challenge of climate change and ecological degradation.

Given the global reach of the Catholic community, with 1.2 billion members, and the leadership of Pope Francis, the potential for impact is significant. If a significant portion of Catholic institutions review their investment policies and publicise their decision to divest from the most harmful sectors, Catholic institutions can make a significant impact in caring for the planet. There is possibly no other global institution as well placed to show prophetic and practical leadership at this critical moment.

Read the full guide below.

Trócaire is CIDSE’s Irish member organisation.


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