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Make human rights and environmental protection the fundamentals! – CIDSE

Make human rights and environmental protection the fundamentals!

CIDSE recommendations for the review of the European Development Consensus, November 2016

CIDSE welcomes the EU’s intention to update the European Development Consensus to reflect the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Agenda 2030. It is essential that the renewed Consensus becomes part of an integrated EU agenda that addresses all dimensions of EU policy and action, at home and abroad, to realise the vision set out in Agenda 2030.

The renewed Consensus must guard and protect agreed principles of gender equality, ownership, accountability, democratic scrutiny, civil society participation as well as the commitment to policy coherence for development.

CIDSE proposes some key approaches for the renewed Consensus to build on these principles. As a family of Catholic social justice organisations, we have developed these recommendations by drawing greatly from Catholic Social Teaching, especially the most recent Encyclical Letter Laudato Si’ of Pope Francis “On Care for Our Common Home.” They also reflect our ongoing dialogue with peers and partners worldwide on the paradigm shift needed for our global family, present and future, to live in health and prosperity in harmony with the earth and each other. Fully able to tackle the systemic crises we face with climate change, inequality and poverty.

Contact: Jean Letitia Saldanha, Senior Policy Advisor (saldanha(a)


EN-CIDSE recommendations to EU Development Consensus review Nov 2016

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