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Ready for World Youth Day 2016 in Poland! – CIDSE

Ready for World Youth Day 2016 in Poland!

CIDSE’s Joint Action Campaign ‘Change for the Planet – Care for the People’ will be present at World Youth Day 2016 in Krakow, Poland (25 – 31 July). The campaign will be present in the activities of the Laudato Si’ Eco-Youth Festival held by the Global Catholic Climate Movement (GCCM).

Catholic Youth from around the world – including, among others, a delegation of about 100 young people from our member eRko /Slovakia – will gather at this unique event to meet, share and reflect on the Year of Mercy. In this context, the Laudato Si’ Eco-Youth Festival’s activities aim at sharing with pilgrims the messages that lie deep within the Encyclical Laudato Si’, which invites the human family to act upon the moral responsibility to care for creation at individual as well as at community and national-international levels.

The Eco-youth festival provides a vibrant program, with interactive and participatory workshops and exhibits, a Sacred Green Space open to prayer and deep reflection on Laudato Si’ and a lively concert. The workshops and exhibits invite pilgrims to reflect and also take concrete actions, by providing practical guidance and toolkits for youth leaders on how to bring their families, parishes, communities to live Laudato Si’ in their daily lives for a more just and sustainable world.

Change for the Planet – Care for the People identified the World Youth Day as an important moment to give continuity to 2015’s joint efforts of the CIDSE member organisations to contribute in reflecting and working on and spreading Laudato Si’ messages, while calling for individual choices towards more sustainable consumption for the people and the planet. The campaign will support several activities held byCatholic organizations present in Krakow and in particular during the workshops at the Church of St. Hedwig the Queen and Eco-Youth Village exhibits at Park Krowoderksi in Krakow within GCCM’s Eco-Youth Festival.

See the full Laudato Si’ Eco-Youth Festival Program here.

Follow the campaign’s experiences at WYD on social media:

Facebook /changeforplanet
Twitter @ChangeandCare


For contacts in Cracow: Angela Maria Ocampo – ocampo (at)
For media and comms: Angela Maria Ocampo – ocampo (at) / Valentina Pavarotti – pavarotti (at)

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