From academics to policy makers, civil society representatives to volunteers, multiple voices reflect on the first year of Pope Francis’ Encyclical Laudato Si’, through a series of video interviews launched on the occasion of Laudato Si’ Week.
It is hard to avoid the long-lasting effects of Pope Francis’ Encyclical Laudato Si’, one year after it was first launched on June 18, 2015. Its lucid and integral understanding of humanity’s current challenges and its urgent call addressing all humanity to engage in a genuine transformation that is both respectful of “our common home’s” natural boundaries, and of our fellow humans, especially the most vulnerable, continues to resonate across borders and at different levels.
On the occasion of its First Year Anniversary, we asked academics, civil society representatives, political leaders and volunteers, how they consider the first year of the Encyclical from their own experience; how the Encyclical influenced the major political processes that happened in 2015 and how it has inspired and/or reinforced an overall narrative and movement for change at the individual and collective levels, both within the catholic community and beyond.
These short interviews will be launched on social media in the context of Laudato Si’ Week, the global celebration taking place from the 12 to 19 June, and led by the Global Catholic Climate Movement (GCCM). The CIDSE family will mobilize through different local activities, and also online, through its joint action campaign Change for the Planet – Care for the People. This social media campaign will aim to highlight the moral urgency to tackle today’s ecological and social crises through a radical change in people’s lifestyles, while promoting sustainable people-led alternatives.
Join the conversation online by following the campaign on Facebook and Twitter, through the hashtags #Change4Planet and #LiveLaudatoSi. Tell us your story, share with us your thoughts and reflections on how you are engaging in the “ecological conversion” that the Encyclical calls us to!
You are also welcome to join the different activities organized by our member organizations:
Here you can find all the resources Manos Unidas has prepared around the Encyclical. Follow its activities through its newly launched online campaign Enlázate por la Justicia, through Facebook, Twitter , and Instagram.
Learn with Cafod’s Laudato Si’ resources.
See here Focsiv’s activities planned for this week of action. See here a list of resources for an integral ecology and multimedia materials around the Encyclical’s main topics.
Read Fastenopfer‘s article on the occasion of the First Year Anniversary of Laudato Si’.