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CIDSE Strategic Framework 2016-2021 – CIDSE

CIDSE Strategic Framework 2016-2021

Acting for tranformation for a just and sustainable world, CIDSE Strategic Framework 2016-2021 (available in English, French German and Spanish)

We are pleased to publish CIDSE’s new Strategic Framework ‘Acting for transformation– towards a just and sustainable world’, which outlines our network’s strategic direction and priorities from 2016 to 2021.

This framework is built on the experiences, knowledge and priorities of all of those who come together in CIDSE. It is also based on lessons learned from the Strategic Framework 2010-2015, our ‘paradigm shift’ process with which CIDSE embarked on new work streams in a dialogue with several partners and allies to rethink development, critique systemic failures in our economies and societies and look at alternatives we want to promote. Further it is based on an analysis of the challenges and opportunities CIDSE and its members face, the backdrops of the devastating multiple crises impacting on poor and vulnerable communities worldwide as well as recent opportunities: global agreements on sustainable development and climate, peoples actions and alternatives, Catholic social teaching and church action brought about. The strategy builds on past experiences and maintains several key strengths of CIDSE, while establishing a new spirit and direction.

Who we are: CIDSE redefines itself in this framework as an international family of Catholic social justice organisations working for transformational change to end poverty and inequalities, challenging systemic injustice, inequity, destruction of nature and promoting just and environmentally sustainable alternatives. We base our work on key values and principles including a call for a new simplicity in our ways of living.


Our mission: according to the new strategy our mission is working together with others; we want to serve the poor, promote justice, harness the power of global solidarity and create transformational change to end poverty, inequalities and threats to the environment, both global and local.

• Chapter 3 outlines the changes we want to bring about and contains a commitment that change has to start with us.

• With chapter 4 we set out new strategies and criteria which form the building blocks for priorities, impacting across all work areas in CIDSE − from advocacy and campaigning to development programmes.

• Chapter 5 underpins and renews CIDSE’s ambition to be a growing network with respect to membership as well as to allies, enhancing its strategic collaboration with Southern partners and striving to create wider alliances and build stronger movements.

• The instruments and tools we plan to work with are illustrated in chapters 6 and 7, building on our successes with cross-fertilisation, joint learning and working to walk the talk in our operations.

This document equips CIDSE and its members well for our continued fight against poverty and inequality and for a just and sustainable world. It also lays out the foundation for building CIDSE further in the coming years, and providing a strong impetus for positive change in the lives of people living in poverty.

EN-CIDSE strategic framework 2016-2021
ES-Marco estratégico de CIDSE 2016-2021
DE-Strategischer Plan der CIDSE 2016-2021
FR-Cadre stratégique de la CIDSE 2016-2021

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