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Addis FFD3: CIDSE at the UN Third International Finance for Development Conference – CIDSE

Addis FFD3: CIDSE at the UN Third International Finance for Development Conference

From 13-16 July governments, civil society and other actors from around the world will come together to negotiate the agenda for financing the new international consensus on sustainable development and creating a fairer and more sustainable international financial system

Alongside member organisations, partners and allies, CIDSE is taking part in the UN Third International Finance for Development Conference (FFD3). FFD3 will present an opportunity for CIDSE to gather with governments and representatives of civil society organizations from all around the world to advocate for a fairer and more sustainable international financial system.

CIDSE took on a coordinating role for the CSO Forum preceding the conference. A space for Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) to gather and share. A CSO declaration was produced during this forum, an abridged version of which was presented in the first plenary session on Monday 13 July; both versions are attached.

In Addis, CIDSE will focus on a range of issues such as the FFD3 follow-up process, public private financing, the creation of an international tax body and fairer international taxation regulations, and co-organize a number of related side-events as part of the Addis Ababa CSO Coordinating Group and the Women Working Group on FfD:

To keep up-to date on our activities and thoughts about the Addis conference, please visit our website, which will be updated regularly.

For further information see:



Articles, blogs, and statements from the events unfolding in Addis Ababa: 


Contact people:
Jean Saldanha, Senior Policy Advisor: saldanha(at)
Leila Arnold: arnold(at)




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