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Who We Are – CIDSE

Who We Are

Video with French subtitles and Spanish subtitles

CIDSE (Coopération internationale pour le développement et la solidarité) is an international family of Catholic social justice organisations. We work with global partners and allies to promote justice, harnessing the power of global solidarity to achieve transformational change for people and the planet. We challenge systemic injustice and its destructive impacts through connecting, mobilising, influencing and telling stories of change. We promote environmentally and socially just alternatives to allow everyone to thrive in our common home.

CIDSE’s work promotes food sovereignty and land justice, addresses impunity and corporate power and explores the relationship between energy and extractivism, all the while striving for a model of sufficiency. We take a systemic approach to our thematic work, with a focus on human rights, decolonisation, feminism, climate and biodiversity justice, as well as on challenging prevailing economic and political systems and exploring alternatives.  

To make this happen we contribute to global movements and alliances of change, promote peoples’ solutions and alternatives and advocate at the international level.  

CIDSE brings together 18 member organisations from Europe and North America and its international secretariat is based in Brussels.

As a network, CIDSE is not an organisation that grants financial or technical support for development. The responsibility for project funding lies within the competencies of its member organisations. work.

Introducing CIDSE Leaflet

CIDSE Strategic Framework 2023-2028

CIDSE Annual Report 2023

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