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Corporate Influence on the Business and Human Rights Agenda of the United Nations – CIDSE

Corporate Influence on the Business and Human Rights Agenda of the United Nations

Misereor together with the Global Policy Forum and Bread for the World have published a working document highlighting corporate influence on the Business and Human Rights agenda of the United Nations. (June 2014).

Efforts to create an international legally binding instru­ment to hold transnational corporations (TNCs) account­able for human rights abuses have recently gained new momentum.

The working paper ends with remarks on what could be done to counteract and reverse corporate influence on the UN human rights agenda. This constitutes an indispens­able prerequisite for progress towards effective legally binding instruments on business and human rights that can produce real improvements in the lives of affected in­dividuals and communities.

Contact person: Klaus Schilder, Misereor (klaus.schilder(at)

Misereor is CIDSE’s German member


EN – Corporate Influence on the Business and Human Rights Agenda of the United Nations

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