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Izabella Toth re-elected as CONCORD board member – CIDSE

    Izabella Toth re-elected as CONCORD board member

    CIDSE congratulates Izabella Toth, who has been re-elected to the board of CONCORD, the European confederation of NGOs working in relief and development aid.

    Ms Toth is Senior Corporate Funding Strategist at CIDSE’s Dutch member Cordaid, and has served one previous term on the board of CONCORD.

    Like Cordaid, CIDSE considers CONCORD’s work to be of great importance, as a common agenda amongst European NGOs contributes towards a joint agenda worldwide. Working together, we will be able to improve the lives of people in fragile areas.

    You can follow Ms Toth on Twitter.

    CIDSE as a whole remains highly engaged in CONCORD.

    Denise Auclair, CIDSE Senior Policy Advisor, is Co-Chair of the CONCORD Policy Forum which discusses and shares political intelligence and coordinates the organisation’s policy work..

    CIDSE Secretary General Bernd Nilles is also a member of the Strategic Planning Group that work on a new strategy and priorities for the confederation for the time span from 2016 on.

    Finally, Jean Saldanha, CIDSE Senior Policy Advisor, chairs the CONCORD Financing for Development Task Force.

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