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Building from the ground up – CIDSE

Building from the ground up


Building from the ground up – How the foundations of a post-2015 framework should translate into change for people in poverty, a CAFOD paper, March 2013

This paper on the post-2015 agenda looks at the value-add of a global development framework, contributing to the discussion to define the post-2015 agenda. It looks in detail at the values CAFOD believes the framework should be built on to take us towards a shared vision for global development. The paper shows how this can be practically done by suggesting example goals which embody those values, including empowering governance, equitable economies, and resilient livelihoods. Finally, it makes a suggestion on the framework architecture, and how indicators can link across goals to ensure that no goal can be left behind while the others make progress.

Neva Frecheville, Lead Analyst Post-MDGs, CAFOD (nfrecheville(at)
Bernadette Fischler, Policy Analyst Post-MDGs, CAFOD (bfischler(at)

CAFOD is CIDSE’s member in England and Wales


EN-Building from the ground up – How the foundations of a post-2015 framework should translate into change for people in poverty

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