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UN Framework & Guiding Principles: Driving Change? – CIDSE
Diego Cupolo

UN Framework & Guiding Principles: Driving Change?

Diego Cupolo

The UN Protect, Respect, Remedy Framework and the Guiding Principles: Driving change? CIDSE Briefing, March 2013 (Available in EN – ES – FR ).

The UN Guiding Principles for implementing the Protect, Respect and Remedy Framework were adopted by the UN Human Rights Council in June 2011.CIDSE agencies believe there is a window of opportunity to help shape how the Guiding Principles are implemented and identify where further action is needed. The value of these Guiding Principles will be the extent to which they change the behaviour of States and companies for the better.

Denise Auclair, Senior Policy Advisor, CIDSE
– Anne Lindsay, Lead Analyst – Private Sector, CAFOD (alindsay(at)

CAFOD is CIDSE’s member in England and Wales.

EN-The UN Protect, Respect, Remedy Framework and the Guiding Principles: Driving change?
ES-El Marco de la ONU ‘Proteger, Respetar y Remediar’ y los Principios Rectors: ¿motores del cambio?
FR-Le cadre des Nations unies «Protéger, respecter, réparer» et ses Principes directeurs: Moteurs du changement?

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