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Unsustainable mining policy in Colombia – CIDSE

Unsustainable mining policy in Colombia


Giving It Away: the consequences of unsustainable mining policy in Colombia, a report by ABColombia, November 2012

This report is written in the context of a rapidly expanding Colombian mining industry and increasing European investment in mining in Colombia. Furthermore, it is being launched at a time when the United Kingdom (UK) has been promoting the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. Given the UK has taken the positive step of piloting the development of a Colombian Strategy on these principles with the Colombian Government, it is hoped that this report and its recommendations can feed into both Colombian and UK strategies.

ABColombia is a group of leading UK and Irish organisations with programmes in Colombia of which CAFOD, SCIAF and Trócaire, CIDSE’s members respectively in England & Wales, Scotland and Ireland.

Contact: Mark Camburn, Programme Officer for Latin America, mcamburn(at), SCIAF

EN-Giving It Away: the consequences of unsustainable mining policy in Colombia

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