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A Practitioners’ Perspective on Knowledge Management – CIDSE

    A Practitioners’ Perspective on Knowledge Management

    KNOW-HOW3000 – Insights from a Practitioners’ Perspective on Knowledge Management, June 2012

    A comparatively small NGO network in the context of development cooperation, KNOW-HOW3000 delivers some insights on how knowledge management actually works on the ground. At the same time, the article illustrates potential benefits for development practitioners to be gained from the current scientific research on knowledge management.

    The article was selected for publication in the 2012 N4P (Networks for Prosperity Initiative) report, an initiative supported by UNIDO and the Leuven Centre for Global Governance Studies.

    Contact: Thomas Vogel, HORIZONT3000, thomas.vogel(at)

    HORIZONT3000 is a member of KOO, CIDSE’s Austrian member.

    EN- KNOW-HOW3000:Insights from a Practitioners’ Perspective on Knowledge Management

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