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Climate-Smart revolution… or a new era of green-washing? – CIDSE

Climate-Smart revolution… or a new era of green-washing?

Climate-Smart revolution… or a new era of green-washing? CIDSE Update Briefing, May 2015 (available in EN – ES – FR)

With this briefing, CIDSE aims to examine recent developments of the Global Alliance for Climate-Smart Agriculture (GACSA). As a continuation of the previous publication, “Climate-Smart Agriculture: The Emperor’s New Clothes?”, the briefing intends to shed light on the concerns that this initiative is continuing to pose, with a special look at this year’s important climate talks in Paris, and the risks that this concept keep gaining ground among the different international political processes.

Contact persons:
François Delvaux – Agriculture policy (delvaux(at)
Giulia Bondi – Climate policy (bondi(at)


EN-Clmate-Smart revolution or anew era of green-washing?
ES-La revolución climáticamente inteligente, ¿o una nueva era de lavado verde?
FR-Révolution intelligente face au climat ou nouvelle ère de blanchiment écologique ?

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