Brussels, May 17, 2017 – The winners of CIDSE’s first international photo competition Inspire Change Through Your Lens, launched under the Change for the planet – Care for the people campaign on sustainable lifestyles, have been selected.
Professional and non-professional participants were invited to submit photographs that portrayed people-driven initiatives in the sustainable consumption and production of food and energy. Launched in February, this photo competition aimed to engage citizens to inspire meaningful narratives on sustainable lifestyles and the transition towards fairer and more sustainable systems in a creative way.
“As the photos from the participants of this photo competition show, building alternatives for fairer societies and more sustainable ways of living are already happening here and around the world. They reflect the power and creativity that people and communities have to drive the change that our societies desperately need. I believe this photo competition has built on this creativity to make such initiatives visible and inspire others to take action. I would like to congratulate the winners on their inspiration.” Lieve Herijgers, director Broederlijk Delen and jury member of this photo competition.
Selected from over 100 entries, the first prize winners of CIDSE’s first international photo competition are:
• For the non-professional category: Sébastien Pins (Belgium), with a photo reflecting the relevance of beekeeping for future generations.
• For the professional category: Arthur Roessle (Brazil), with a photo portraying the work of an organic coffee farmer in Brazil.
The winners are invited to participate in an award ceremony followed by a panel discussion on public policies that can support citizen-driven sustainable initiatives. The event will take place at the European Economic and Social Committee in Brussels on June 12th, 2017. The event will also mark the opening of an exhibition featuring the winning photo entries and a selection of international entries that will be held for a month at La Chapelle de la Resurrection in Brussels.
The second and third place runners-up per category are:
For the non-professional category
• Priscilla Rodrigues (Brazil)
• David Costa (Canada)
For the professional category
• Mohamad Rakibul Hasan (Bangladesh)
• Ahmad Al-Bazz (Palestinian Territories).
The winning photographs were chosen by a high-level panel of judges including Lieve Herijgers, Director of Broederlijk Delen and Representative of CIDSE; Philippe Lamberts, MEP European Greens; Olivier de Schutter, Former UN Rapporteur on the Right to Food and Co-chair of IPES-Food; Michelle Rogers, renowned environmental artist; and Ron Haviv, internationally-acclaimed professional photographer. The evaluation of the photos was based on the strength of the story portrayed, the quality and authenticity of the content. Below are the winning photographs and the runners-up for each category.
Information about the photo competition can be viewed at:
You can take a look at the winning photos and a selection of the top entries below!
For more information or interviews:
Angela Ocampo, Communications and Campaigns Assistant
Tel: +32 (0)2 230 15 01
Cell: +32 (0)473 71 58 89