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International photo competition on sustainable actions and ecological alternatives – CIDSE

International photo competition on sustainable actions and ecological alternatives


The CIDSE Initiative “Change for the Planet – Care for the People” invites you to participate in its second international photo competition! This is a new opportunity for amateur and professional photographers to capture sustainable actions that they would like to see become the “new normal” in the near future, while also sharing their passion for photography and creativity. 

Show us the kind of world you would like to live in! 

If you love photography and care for our common home, send us your photo before 22 June 2022! 


Participation is free and open to any person who is between 16 and 35 years old. When submitting your photo, specify the category in which you want to participate: 

  • Amateur Photographer  

Participants who do not have specific expertise, experience or work experience in photography. 

  • Professional Photographer  

Participants with years of experience in the field or whose work/occupation are based on photography (i.e., photojournalists…). 

Award winning photos should: 

  • Illustrate a sustainable action that demonstrates the “new normal” in a near future. 
  • Inspire change and trigger consciousness. 
  • Include a relevant short description explaining in which way individuals or communities are tackling the current climate challenges and investing in alternatives.    

How to participate 

  • Take a photo which illustrates a sustainable action or ecological alternative that you want to be the new normal. 
    • If you take a picture with a camera, make sure that the photograph is High Resolution [1600 x 1200 pixels minimum] 
    • If you take a photo with your smartphone, make sure that the photo is Full Size [4MP minimum] 
  • Complete the online submission form here
  • In the online form, you will be asked to write a short description of your photo (500-2000 max. characters with spaces) explaining what it represents, where it was taken and how it illustrates the sustainable action that you consider should be the “new normal”. 
  • Submit the image in .jpeg/jpg format, indicating the name of the photographer on the picture’s metadata [ex: surname_name.jpeg]. The name of photographer, agency or publication must not be visible as a watermark on the picture itself. 
  • Read the terms and conditions (attached below) and check the box in the online submission form to agree, before uploading your photo. Once done, upload your image in .jpeg/.jpg format via the form. 
  • A notification will be sent to participants once the entry is registered. If you do not receive confirmation of your registration within a day or two, or have specific inquiries concerning the photo competition, please contact our helpdesk at:  


The photo competition will start on 22 April 2022 (8:30 GMT+2) and close on 22 June 2022. Last entries will be received on that day at 5:00pm GMT+2 at the latest. 

Jury committee 

A panel of 5 independent members will select the final winners for each category. These are:

  • Arthur Rössle, Professional Photographer
  • AdélaÏde Charlier, Student and Climate Activist
  • Lieve Herijgers, CIDSE President and Director of Broederlijk Delen
  • Chiara Martinelli, Director of Climate Action Network-Europe
  • Patricia Pedrosa, Professional movie-maker


Amateur photographer: 

  • 1st prize: Polaroid camera or Lomo Diana full kit (to be chosen by the winner) 
  • 2nd prize: Online photography class voucher 

Professional photographer: 

  • 1st prize: Photo equipment voucher (300 Euros) 
  • 2nd prize: Photography book: Amazônia by Sebastião Salgado 

Additional awards 

  • Under 18 years old 
  • Most liked photograph on Instagram 

*Both winners will have the choice between a voucher from the Ethical shop , a one-year MUBI subscription or a one-year National Geographic digital subscription. 

All the necessary information about the Photo Competition and conditions for participation can be found in the Terms and Conditions (see below) which participants are requested to read before submitting their entry.  

For additional information or any other inquiries, you can contact our help desk at:  

About the Change for the Planet – Care for the People’ Initiative: 
By calling for a profound change in people’s lifestyles, the CIDSE initiative highlights sustainable, people-led alternatives that exist all around the world. In this way, it shows the power people can have to bring the change we want to see in our societies towards more just and sustainable systems that take into account the people and the planet’s boundaries. 

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