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CIDSE at COP23 in Bonn, Germany – CIDSE

CIDSE at COP23 in Bonn, Germany

CIDSE continues to advocate for climate justice and calls for greater ambitions to tackle climate change in the framework of the Paris Agreement, based on the values of equity, participation, and solidarity. Under the Presidency of Fiji, COP23 will set the ground for evaluating collective progress in achieving the goals set by the agreement, particularly in keeping temperatures below the 1.5 degrees’ threshold and swiftly transitioning towards low carbon, renewable based economies.



COP23: what, when where?
This year’s COP will be held in Bonn, Germany, from the 6 to 17 November. Under the Fijian Presidency, this COP will aim to spark political will and commitment to achieve the goals set by the Paris Agreement, increase national and international efforts and ambitions in mitigation, adaptation and implementation measures, to keep temperatures under the established 1.5-degree threshold and push countries to rapidly engage in the path towards low carbon economies, phasing out from fossil fuels.


CIDSE’s delegation
CIDSE will be present in Bonn with a delegation from 8 member organisations, including CAFOD/UK, CCFD-Terre Solidare/France, Cordaid/The Netherlands, Fastenopfer/Switzerland, KOO/Austria, Misereor/Germany and Trocaire/Ireland. Likewise, CIDSE will be working closely with partners and allies from around the world.


CIDSE’s expectations
CIDSE will particularly follow discussions on Ambition Mechanism under the Paris Agreement and in particular looking at the 2018 Review process, Climate and Agriculture, Climate Finance and making sure that human rights, gender, just transition and sustainable lifestyle dimensions are taken into account.

. Ambition Mechanism: At COP23, Parties must realize the vision of Paris by making substantial progress on all agenda items. In this sense, the development of a zero draft of the implementation guidelines will be a key milestone to measure success. At the same time, COP23 must lay the ground, in the form of a roadmap, to assess collective progress towards the goals of the Paris Agreement in 2018, showing how to implement further emission reductions and how to review the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), ensuring that equity and fair share framework is applied.

. Climate Finance: COP23 should show progress towards ramping-up climate finance to US$100 billion a year by 2020 to be increased by 2025. Efforts should be made to increase adaptation finance to help developing countries meet their adaptation needs and transform their economies to stay on a low-carbon pathway. Transparency and detailed reporting in the allocation of climate finance continue to be key, to ensure that resources do not come at the expense of development assistance.

Climate and Agriculture: Agriculture is a key sector for the implementation of the Paris Agreement and in reaching the goal of 1.5 degrees. To fully address Agriculture and Food Security, a work program should be created to tackle climate change impacts, including adaptation issues, land use, and the need to safeguard rights and food security.

Human Rights, Gender and Just Transition dimensions should be fully integrated into the design of the Paris Agreement Rulebook.


CIDSE’s activities in Bonn
CIDSE will be leading and supporting several side-events:

Monday 6 November, 2017:
“Peasant Agroecology feeds the people and cools the planet”: am vent co-organized with Via Campesina, Act Alliance & Secours Catholique – Caritas France; Room 12, Bonn Zone, 1:15 – 2:45 pm

“Agroecology: Transforming the global food system and combating climate change”: an event co-organized with Via Campesina, Act Alliance & Secours Catholique – Caritas France; People’s Climate Summit, Wissenschaftszentrum (WiZe), Ahrstrasse 45, 53175 Bonn (Room K1), 5:00 – 7:00 pm.

– Stories of Change: Sustainable Lifestyles for the People and the Planet, Documentary Screening & Workshop. People’s Climate Summit, University Main Building, First Floor, Regina-Pacis Weg 1/ Am Hof 1, 53111 Bonn, 8:00 – 9:30 pm.

Thursday 15 November 2017
– “A transformative response to climate change: Applying the principles of Laudato Si’”: an event led by CAFOD, KOO and CIDSE in collaboration with Trocaire , Misereor and Caritas Internationalis, Bonn Zone (Room 12), 3:00 – 4:30 pm.

“Just Transition to a Low Carbon and Sustainable Future”: an event co-organised with Misereor, the Friedrich Erbert Stiftung, PAIRVI and Coastal Development Partnership, Bonn Zone (Room 9), 6:30 – 8:00 pm.

From November 1 – 17, CIDSE’s Change for the Planet – Care for the people Photo Exhibition “Inspire Change” will be shown at the Bula Zone in Bonn. The exhibition was first inaugurated in June after the conclusion of the Inspire Change Photo Competition, which invited participants to reflect on citizen-led initiatives around the sustainable production and consumption of food and energy. Fifteen photos were chosen to be part of the exhibition. 

For a full list of side-events and activities held by our members and partners, please download the documents below.


People’s voices at COP23
People hold the key to change and the power to enhance a just and fair transition towards a more sustainable world where people and planet come first.

– CIDSE will participate at the Climate March in Bonn on Saturday November 4, 2017, with German and international civil society organisations and movements, to express our profound commitment and readiness to take action, making sure that our voices are heard by global leaders. To participate and support the march online, don’t hesitate to follow our Facebook and Twitter channels!

– On 14 November, CIDSE and the Global Catholic Climate Movement will hold joint webinar ‘Live from COP23: Hot Climate News and What’s Next for Catholics’, to learn about the highlights of the negotiations and initiatives carried out by citizens around the world. Register here.

– Following the efforts made at COP21 in supporting a strong mobilisation, the campaign ‘Change for the Planet – Care for the people’ continued to promote people’s voices and solutions to climate change. Follow updates from COP23 through its Facebook and Twitter channels.


Contact Information
For info related to CIDSE’s involvement at COP23, please refer to:
Giulia Bondi
Climate Justice and Energy Officer


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